Shares subscription. Find out how to participate:
On February 10, 2025, the Board of Directors approved Itaúsa’s capital increase of R$ 1 billion through the issue of new shares.
Shareholders who held Itaúsa’ share at the end of February 17, 2025 are able to participate in the Capital Increase, for which the subscription price of the new shares will be R$ 6.70/share, a discount of approximately 30% on the current value of Itaúsa’s preferred shares. Learn how to participate.
Capital increase and share subscription
On February 10, 2025, the Board of Directors approved the increase in Itaúsa’s capital, considering:
- Capital increase: R$ 1 billion (from R$ 80.189 billion to R$ 81.189 billion);
- Number of shares to be issued: 149,253,731 new book-entry shares (of which 51,305,206 are common and 97,948,525 are preferred shares);
- Issue price: R$6.70 per share (based on the weighted average of the prices of the preferred shares traded in the last 120 days (81 trading sessions) between October 09, 2024 and February 06, 2025, applying a discount of approximately 30%);
- Subscription and Partial Approval of the capital increase: if a minimum subscription of 44,776,119 book-entry is verified;
- Allocation of Funds: strengthen the Company’s cash position and improve its liquidity level;
- Period for Exercising Preemptive Rights: from March 10, 2025 (inclusive) to April 11, 2025 (inclusive);
- Proportion: 3766678% over shares of the same type they hold on to the base date of February 17, 2025; and
- Payment: (i) in cash, upon subscription; or (ii) by offsetting credits originating from earnings declared by the Company, to be paid on April 22, 2025.
For further information on capital increase and subscription of shares, please access the documents below:
02/10/2025 – Material Fact (click here)
02/10/2025 – Notice to Shareholders (click here)
Frequently asked questions
The capital increase is justified by Management’s intention to strengthen Company’s cash position and improve its liquidity level.
Additionally, the Company aims to maintain its commitment of creating value for shareholders, since this capital increase represents the opportunity for shareholders to maintain their share in Itaúsa unchanged, while acquiring Company shares with a 30% discount compared to the weighted average of the preferred shares prices traded from October 09, 2024 to February 06, 2025.
To participate in the subscription of Itaúsa shares, you should follow these steps:
- Contact your broker and find out the number of shares you can and wish to subscribe to and the payment method you can and wish to use.
- Determine with your broker the payment method you wish to use. You can pay the value of the new shares (i) in cash, upon subscription, or (ii) offset the value of the new shares with the credits of dividends that will be paid on April 22, 2025. If you choose to pay in cash, you must have the full amount in your current account on the payment date, which will be at the moment you exercise your right of subscription.
You can express your right to subscribe for Itaúsa shares to your broker from March 10, 2025 to April 11, 2025.
You can express your right to subscribe to your broker from March 10, 2025 to April 11, 2025.
Shareholders who held Itaúsa’ share at the end of February 17, 2025, received the right to acquire new shares of the Company in the proportion of 1.3766678% of the type of shares they held on the base date of February 17, 2025.
The calculation to check the number of shares that can be subscribed by a shareholder is as follows:
(Shares held on 02.17.2025 x Subscription percentage) ÷ 100 = Number of shares that can be subscribed
Example: A shareholder who held 1,000 shares of the same type on February 17, 2025 would have the right to subscribe to up to 13 new shares, as calculated below:
Number of shares that can be subscribed = (1,000 x 1.3766678) ÷ 100
Number of shares that can be subscribed = up to 13
It should be noted that the shareholder does not necessarily have to choose to subscribe for all 13 shares (in the example given). It is possible to subscribe for fewer shares, i.e., only part of what they are entitled to. In this case, it is necessary to check the operational process with your broker, within the subscription period, which is from March 10, 2025 (inclusive) to April 11, 2025 (inclusive).
Contact your broker for more information on how to exercise your subscription right.
The percentage of 1.3766678% refers to the number of shares that Itaúsa is issuing in this subscription. It is calculated by dividing the number of new shares to be issued by the total number of outstanding shares issued by the company.
- 149,253,731 new shares issued by Itaúsa / 10,841,666,450 Itaúsa’s outstanding shares on February 7, 2025 = 1.3766678%
Payment can be:
- With funds from the dividend to be paid on April 22, 2025: the shareholder can use the dividends that will receive on April 22, 2025 to pay for the subscribed shares, checking with their broker about the operational process.
- Fully with own resources: if the shareholder does not want to use the credits of dividends that he/she will receive on April 22, 2025, he/she can also choose to pay this share subscription fully in cash, on the date he/she chooses to proceed with the subscription, within the subscription period, which is from March 10, 2025 (inclusive) to April 11, 2025 (inclusive), checking the operational process with his/her broker.
Contact your broker for more information on how to exercise your subscription right.
The price of R$ 6.70 was set based on the weighted average of the prices of the preferred shares (ticker: ITSA4) of the last 120 days (81 trading sessions) prior to the publication of the Material Fact regarding the subscription, i.e., from October 09, 2024 to February 06, 2025. The 30% discount applied to this price is a way of motivating shareholders to participate in the transaction.
Shareholders who held Itaúsa’ share at the end of February 17, 2025 received the right to acquire new shares of the Company in the proportion of 1.3766678% of the type of shares they held on the base date of February 17, 2025.
The subscription rights may be freely assigned by the Company’s shareholders to third parties during the period of exercise of the preemptive right that begins on March 10, 2025 and runs until April 11, 2025.
Rights will be negotiated under the codes below:
- Rights over common shares (ITSA3) – ITSA1
- Rights over preferred shares (ITSA4) – ITSA2
These codes can be traded (bought and sold) on B3, if the shareholder is not interested in subscribing to the shares to which he is entitled in the subscription process.
The subscribed shares will be credited and released for trading in the shareholder’s portfolio with the respective ITSA3 and ITSA4 codes within 3 business days after the date of the Itaúsa Board of Directors meeting that verifies the subscription and approves said capital increase.