
At Itaúsa, we strive to maintain a transparent business environment, based on strong commitment to ethics and integrity. We also value unrestrictedly the esteem, security and respect of all people affected by our business.

We act strongly in developing Human Capital, in strengthening of our internal controls and in structuring of areas in order to ensure the observation to the principles defined by the Code of Conduct in all the relationships we establish.

Created by the Code, Itaúsa’s Whistleblowing Channel is an independent and impartial tool, through which staff, management, investee companies and third parties with a relationship with the Company may make allegations, request guidance on how to act in certain situations, clarify doubts, present criticism, complaints and report misconduct, violations and conflicts of interest.It not only receives requests and issues’ reports related to Itaúsa, but also to all the companies in which we invest, where we strive to address correctly all contacts received.

The Whistleblowing Channel is operated by an internationally renowned service provider, which will ensure not only the confidentiality of information and complaints received, but will also address demands the best way possible.

A summary of the contacts received is made at least twice a year to the Board of of Officers, through the Audit and Risk Council.

Telephone: +55 0800 721 9574

E-mail: denunciasitausa@deloitte.com

Internet: www.ethicsdeloitte.com.br/itausa/