Itaúsa’s management members affirm their commitment to assuring the effectiveness and the constant improvement of the Itaúsa Integrity Program, adopting and stimulating the actions necessary for complying with it, including the maintenance of the ethical posture that serves as an example to all employees and third parties.
Itaúsa has always been engaged with the ethics and integrity principles that support its organizational culture, which are translated not only in words, but also in attitudes that consolidate the assumption that “The example comes from the top”.
We have always been proactively involved in preventing unethical behavior, corruption and fraud, and in developing activities aimed at promoting integrity, both with respect to Itaúsa and its investees, because we understand that the effectiveness of the mechanisms for the prevention of these behaviors is the responsibility of us all.
The increasing concerns of investors with the development of a more upstanding and fairer society require that the activities of companies make a difference in the ethical scope and meet the social role that we believe we have.
For the benefit of business sustainability and because we feel responsible for multiplying our values for our stockholders and employees, the Itaúsa Integrity Program presents the principles and tools that address the concerns with and responsibility for ethics and transparency.
The Itaúsa Integrity Program was prepared in accordance with Brazilian legislation, in particular with the anticorruption measures provided for in Law No. 12,846/2013 and Executive Order No. 11,129/2022
The six pillars of the Itaúsa Integrity Program
Itaúsa ensures compliance with both legislation and the internal policies that set out the performance and ethical conduct standards expected from Senior Management and all employees and also, when applicable, from other stakeholders.
In this context, the framework of the Itaúsa Integrity Program comprises a set of policies, tools and actions, most notably our Code of Conduct, that are aimed at minimizing unethical and unlawful behaviors.
As a way to disseminate an ethical culture, Itaúsa periodically promotes training and communication on relevant topics in the scope of the Integrity Program by the Compliance and Corporate Risks and Human Resources departments.
Also, we annually organize the Good Practices Week, an internal event that promotes guidance based on Itaúsa’s ethical principles. The event is attended by management members and employees, members of the Supervisory Council and guests of the investees.
Itaúsa makes available a Whistleblowing Channel to all its employees and stakeholders that is managed on an independent basis by a specialized company, thus ensuring impartiality, confidentiality, secrecy and anonymity if the whistleblower so prefers.
Through this channel, people can report, either anonymously or not, suspected or actual violations of the Itaúsa Code of Conduct and unlawful acts of any nature, related to the activities of the Company and/or its controlled companies or investees, assuring the confidentiality and protection of the whistleblower’s identity.
We have a formal risk management structure that follows the best practices, with formal and periodical assessments of potential internal and external risks, taking into account, among other aspects, the impact on the Company’s operations, potential materialization of risks and the vulnerability to which Itaúsa is exposed with respect to different factors. Based on the results of the periodic assessments, action plans to mitigate and address the identified risks and actions to improve the Identity Program are developed and periodically presented to the Audit and Risk Council and Audit Committee.
Aware of its role before society and in line with its corporate and social values, Itaúsa has a Sustainability Council aimed at guiding the committees, foundations and institutes of the controlled companies, defining the main environmental and social management guidelines and identifying opportunities to improve its social impact.