Portfolio Value and Discount

Itaúsa is a Holding Company that manages a portfolio of companies operating in different segments. Itaúsa’s main investees are:
Dicount is an indicator resulting from the difference between the market price ascertained for Itaúsa's shares and the theorical value obtained throught the sum of interests in investees ("sum of the parts").

Part of this discount can be justified in our view by maintenance expenses, taxes levied on a fraction of the earnings received (tax inefficiency), and risk assessment, among other factors.

Itaúsa’s management believes that the current level still does not reflect the proper indicator level.
  Price of Most Liquid Share (R$)(A) Total Shares (million)(B) Market Value (R$ million) Itaúsa's stake (%)(C) Market Value of the Stake (R$ million)(D)
31.94 9,803 313,116 37.2% 116,581
6.33 677 4,284 29.5% 1,262
5.65 808 4,567 37.8% 1,728
11.70 2,010 23,521 10.4% 2,441
(D) n/a n/a n/a 12.9% 2,394
(E) n/a n/a n/a 8.5% 1,587
(D) n/a n/a n/a 48.9% 1,737

Other assets and liabilities(F)

Market Value of Sum of Parties 126,179
8.79 10,842 95,298 95,298
Discount -24.5%

(A) Closing price of February 28, 2025 for the most liquid shares of Itaú Unibanco (ITUB4), Alpargatas (ALPA4), Dexco (DXCO3), CCR (CCRO3) and Itaúsa (ITSA4).

(B) Total shares issued excluded treasury shares.

(C) Itaúsa’s direct and indirect equity interest in the total capital of companies, according to Note 1 of the Financial Statements of Itaúsa as of December 31, 2024, available at www.itausa.com.br.

(D) Refers to the investment value recorded in the Balance Sheet as of December 31, 2024.  

(E) Refers to the fair value recorded in the Balance Sheet as of December 31, 2024. 

(F) Considers the individual balance sheet of December 31, 2024. 

Holding historical discount (%)
Itaúsa discount history (%)