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Brazil’s Largest Holding Company

We are a Brazilian, publicly held, investment holding company, with a history for 48 years. We operate in the financial, consumer goods, materials of civil construction, sanitation, energy and infrastructure industries and have a consistent portfolio, consisting of leading brands in their segments: Itaú Unibanco, Dexco, Alpargatas, CCR, Aegea Saneamento, Copa Energia and Nova Transportadora do Sudeste (NTS).

Organograma Itaú Unibanco, Duratex, Alpargatas e Nova Transportadora do                                                            Sudeste (NTS)


1. Equity interest presented were rounded to the nearest decimal place, does not consider treasury shares and corresponds to Itaúsa’s direct and indirect equity interest, where applicable.
2. Segments of the portfolio companies: Financial (Itaú Unibanco), Consumer goods (Alpargatas), Materials of Cilvil Construction (Dexco),Urban Mobility (CCR), Sanitation (Aegea Saneamento), Energy (Copa Energia) and Infrastructure (NTS).

Portfolio Expansion

Itaúsa carries out the expansion of its portfolio by adopting a careful approach through a strict efficient capital allocation process. Market opportunities are assessed by a dedicated M&A department composed of highly-qualified professionals and subsequently submitted to Itaúsa’s proper authority levels, including the Strategy and New Business Committee and the Board of directors.


The investment rationale usually includes an outlook of the related industry, the company’s operating and financial performance, growth and value drivers, the competitive scenario and main risks and challenges, in addition to potential positive environmental and social impacts and strategic partner analysis, in order to ensure its consistency with Itaúsa’s culture and management.


Global Presence

With a consistent portfolio, we operate in more than 50 countries through our investees, with major brands and leaders in their segments.

We focus on strengthening management and creating long-term value in our investees based on the following pillars: efficient capital allocation, continuous improvement, and shared culture. We have a distinguished governance culture, with values that stand on ethics, risk management, as well as financial factors and human capital valuation. We disseminate our values by taking part in the Boards and committees of our investees, thus swaying financial and strategic decisions in a sustainable way.

The main features of our portfolio and new investments criteria are: solid companies with strong brands, low performance risk, solid and outstanding position in the market, good cash generation, consistent history of results and high profitability, consistent long-term value creation prospects, partners with expertise in their respective industries, unblemished reputation, cultural and strategic fit.


  • Largest private bank in Latin America.
  • The largest manufacturer of shoes and apparel in Latin America.
  • Largest producer of wood panels, dissolving wood pulp, bathroom fixtures and fittings and ceramic tiles, in the Southern Hemisphere.
  • A leading company in concessions of airports and highways in Brazil.
  • A leading private basic sanitation company in Brazil.
  • A leading company in the Brazilian bottling, distribution and sale market of LPG.
  • Transportation of 50% of natural gas consumed in Brazil.

Business Model

The Business Model include several interrelated capitals supporting the Organization growth, among which we highlight:

Business Model

Differentiated governance culture based on ethical values, risk management and human capital appreciation.

Commitment to sustainable long-term value creation.

Investment in significant business with positive impacts to society.

Strategic and financial decision-oriented portfolio management.

Fostering the adoption of sustainable practices: developing eco-efficient, innovative and technological solutions.

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